Monday, 21 March 2016

This weeks homework

As most will know, students have been working on a design challenge for our space unit. Students have been invited to get their parents to weigh in on their designs. Students can use their scientific journal to show their design and record parents/siblings/aunts/uncles/neighbors feedback in the "étape 7" where students write the strengths and weaknesses of their projects.

Mon héritage

We will be having a heritage fair in mid-april. Our heritage fair will look like a science fair but students will present the history, contributions and stories of a chosen cultural group within Canada. For the next few weeks, as a class, we will study Italian immigration to Canada. This will help students know how to research and write their own projects for the fair. Here is a padlet with curriculum expectations, helpful links and tools.

La musique

Before march break we had a brief but intense music unit. We practiced reading notes as well as rhythm. We used Garage band and virtual pianos to play and create music. We even created our own little arias. Today, we discussed the link between music, film and creating an ambiance. We read a poem today and students had to find music to accompany it. In small groups, students will record themselves reading the poem with their chosen ambient music. Now we need to get to work on our number for the 50th anniversary!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

partage avec les 5ièmes

Today the grade 5s and 6s got together to share their science projects. The grade 6s shared their mission to mars projects and got a bit of feedback from the 5s. The 5s presented their bridge designs. Both classes had been working on innovative design so it was a great experience to share.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Défi de 7 jours

We are going on a 7 day challenge! We are going to give up a bad health habit (like sugary snacks or too much screen time) or add a healthy habit (like walking every day or drinking more water). We wrote in our portfolios what we are going to give up and some strategies for helping us nail our challenge!

J'abandonne le sucre!

mes stratégies:
- avoir beaucoup de grignotines santé (légumes coupés, fruit, fromage, noix)
- boire beaucoup d'eau
- mangé plus de proteines (ça me garde rempli pour plus longtemps et ça me donne plus d'énergie)