Friday, 30 October 2015

Student survey

Already two months come and gone! When we come back on Monday it will already be November! Students are going to get new seating, we will have new learning goals and, of course, we will be diving into a new science unit. With two months already under our belt I thought it was time for the teacher to get some feedback...that's right the teacher. Teachers are often busy giving feedback to students, but we don't always take the time to let our students give US feedback. Today, students answered anonymous surveys so that I could get some feedback on the physical set up off the class, how and what we are learning, homework or anything else they wanted to let me know. 

Here's what I learned :

- Mme parle à la bonne vitesse (this surprised me as I have been told I speak very fast)
- Nous lisons et écrivons juste assez 
- Nous parlons trop (which is interesting because you would think grade 6 students would love to talk)
- la classe est bien organisé et comfortable 
- ils veulent apprendre les verbes, les études sociales, les arts et la physique
- ils aiment la technologie 
- plus de jeux! 

In a few weeks, I will be sending a parent survey through the student's gmail accounts for some parent feedback as well. Stay tuned! 

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