New Pedagogies are a new way of thinking about teaching and learning for the 21st century in a highly complex and ever-changing world.
In this model, the role of the teacher is "that of activator of learning who designs learning experiences that build on learner strengths and needs, creates new knowledge using real-life problem solving and help all students identify their talents, purpose and passion." .
Six competencies guide the learning (les 6 Cs) ; creativity - créativité, critical thinking - pensée critique, communication, citizenship - citoyenneté, character - caractère and collaboration. With every C comes a learning progression or a way of evaluating where the students and educator are in their learning journey. My goal this year is to unpack some of the learning progressions with the students. As a class, we are discussing what they mean in order simplify the progression to student friendly language. Students should be able to evaluate where they are on the progression, set goals and find ways to improve.
This week we went over the character progression which is all about deep learning, self-regulation, and taking responsibility for your own learning. It was a great way to launch our biodiversité research projects! Here's our student-friendly version of Caractère.
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