Monday, 28 November 2016

Unmaker fair postponed

Due to possible inclement weather we will postpone our Unmaker fair till next Tuesday.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Unmaker fair update

We will be holding our unmaker fair on Tuesday November 29th in the afternoon.

We would love to have some parent volunteers to help take apart our electronics. Let me know in your child's agenda if you can come volunteer for part or all of the afternoon.

Also, we will be looking to borrow some tools and work gloves on the day of. If you can lend us some please send them in with your students. Make sure to label with tape so we know what belongs to who.

Saturday, 12 November 2016


We are starting our second science unit this week, electricity and electrical components. For the next few weeks the class will work in shifts on  two separate learning goals or projects.

1. Students will read about static electricity, simple circuits and safety while doing a few hand on experiments such as constructing simple circuits with a few components. 

2. Students will prepare for a debate where they will have to prove that their type of electric (hydro, geothermic, solar, fossil fuels, etc.) is best (cheaper, better for the environment etc.) 

Here is our electricity padlet with videos, links and curriculum expectations. 

Évaluation biodiversité

In their science folder students have a received feedback and an evaluation on the caractère progression we co-created. Three important things to mention about these assessments:

1. While I normally make it a priority to communicate in French to students I wrote the feedback in English so parents and guardians could also read the feedback and have a good idea of how they are doing and where to go next.

2. While we created the caractère progression together, the original progression is not age or grade specific. Thus, very few students will have achieved the highest level of achievement. This does not mean that they didn't get a level 4 or their project. For our purpose, we were aiming more for the 2nd or 3rd row.

3. You will find no grades. I do this because the students tend to fixate on the grade and the really useful feedback falls on deaf ears. You and your student should be able to tell by the feedback whether they demonstrated deep or vast learning. For many of the students the next step we will be working on is collaboration (more to come on this subject!)

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Unmaker faire

We are winding down our biodiversity unit and I am trying to prepare for our electricity unit. Last year one of the highlights of the unit was our unmaker fair. Students and parents brought in old electronics and we took them apart to get a good look at how they work and the electrical components behind them. As such, we are looking for any broken electronics you have lying around at home or might notice being thrown away. 

Things such as:
- hairdryers
- clocks
- electrical toys
- phones
- music devices (stereos or the like)
- computer and components (keyboard, mouse, monitor)
- kitchen appliances (blender, electric tea kettle)
- flashlights
- remotes
- cameras

 As the day approaches we will also be looking for parents willing to help us safely use tools and take apart our loot. Thus, more info to come!