Saturday, 12 November 2016

Évaluation biodiversité

In their science folder students have a received feedback and an evaluation on the caractère progression we co-created. Three important things to mention about these assessments:

1. While I normally make it a priority to communicate in French to students I wrote the feedback in English so parents and guardians could also read the feedback and have a good idea of how they are doing and where to go next.

2. While we created the caractère progression together, the original progression is not age or grade specific. Thus, very few students will have achieved the highest level of achievement. This does not mean that they didn't get a level 4 or their project. For our purpose, we were aiming more for the 2nd or 3rd row.

3. You will find no grades. I do this because the students tend to fixate on the grade and the really useful feedback falls on deaf ears. You and your student should be able to tell by the feedback whether they demonstrated deep or vast learning. For many of the students the next step we will be working on is collaboration (more to come on this subject!)

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